set 4 antique rosewood dining chairs single antique mahogany hall chair antique small mahogany bow front chest of drawers 4 am mobler 501 danish dining chairs antique carved oak coffer 1 antique pine chest of drawers 1 pair walls aluminium tubs antique upholstered chaise longue for restoration wedgwood mayfield bowls x 4 6 wedgwood mayfield bowls saucers nautical pin dish oak joint stool 10 wedgwood mayfair plates vintage 1950s glass shade antique victorian mahogany settee 1930s green glass bowl small vintage glass bowls square glass jar vintage woodmet drinks tray 4 denby eggcups ravenhead glass dessert bowls arcoroc water glasses x 5 large glass bowl vase victorian scrolled end sofa french marble top side table large ornate wall mirror large pine mirror back sideboard vintage french wrought iron washstand antique victorian mahogany chest of drawers 1 ashberry stuart sheffield boxed forks viners polynesian dessert spoons pair small brass eastern vase pair wooden open twist pillar candle holders cut glass dressing table pot african elephant comb large 10ft antique pine rustic kitchen table antique victorian mahogany writing table 1 victorian red upholstered armchair antique style twin pedestal mahogany desk retro g plan extending dining table antique mahogany round coffee table small antique sofa large antique carved oak cupboard carved square occasional table 1 pair retro bamboo plant stands georgian mahogany tambour desk antique 19th century oak mule chest retro green vinyl office chair george iii mahogany drop leaf table victorian bow front chest of drawers 1 pair antique 3ft single brass bed frames bobbin turned stool vintage shell bun tin vintage wooden chopping board vintage pestle mortars pair imari bowls antique chinese charger simulated bamboo mirror pair green glazed potter candlesticks harrison borthers silver butter spreader harrison borthers silver cake knife large etched wall mirror antique single bed frame 1 antique pine cornish dresser antique blue upholstered sofa brass newspaper rack pair antique dining chairs 1 convex wall mirror eagle pediment small bamboo bookshelf modern beech torchere plantstand antique carved coffer ceramic white plant stand antique bedside cabinet antique 17th century charles ii oak chest umbrella stand silver boxed christening set arts crafts candelabra pair carolean style oak armchairs ibex rocking chair pair retro nautical wall plaques vintage green glass bottle vintage gilt wood wall lights vintage dressmaking chart framed poster silver toast rack pair silver candlesticks eastern brass urn vase smith dennis limited gauge phyllis scott print large pine upholstered ottoman for restoration large bentwood cabin trunk vintage mahogany bedside cabinet edwardian side table 1 venus marble resin ornament large robert welch lamp pink lusty lloyd loom linen basket oak barley twist canterbury table edwardian inlaid rosewood music cabinet victorian mahogany writing table 1 pair victorian dining chairs pair vintage easy chairs pair elm hoop stick back kitchen chairs kingfisher marquetry picture design in woodwork percy a wells boscastle pottery tankard antique wooden boot form boscastle pottery jug vintage dachshund ornament belleek shell flower pot cranberry glass pin dish lamorna pottery pot pourri dish large retro west german vase staniforths patent biscuit box silver plate serving tray silver plate bowl silver thimbles glass sweets jar retro green glass vase vintage glass bottles large pressed glass serving bowl large glazed earthenware jug martin pettinger decorative plate boscastle pottery vase bal maids cornish pottery figures practical gardening food production vintage painted chest black metal trunk vintage metal tin trunk small victorian mahogany chest of drawers single antique dining chair large french style overmantle mirror oak wall mirror antique ladies work table victorian inlaid occasional table single antique victorian dining chair rustic pine coffee table large vintage dome top trunk pair vintage blue glass bowls small vintage shoe mold pair handpainted pots delton ware burslem bowl pair blancmange moulds large antique mahogany chest of drawers victorian walnut dressing table retro formica kitchen table antique rustic pine kitchen table georgian mahogany dressing table oak tambour roll top desk eastern round brass coffee table antique oak plate rack early 20th century wall mirror wing back purple velvet sofa pierced steel fire fender carved teak indian side table large antique pine kitchen table pair oak high back occasional chairs antique oak chest of drawers 2 antique elm oak carver chair stained beech x frame stool antique carved oak side cabinet antique bow front mahogany chest of drawers eastern carved teak side table 4 antique mahogany dining chairs antique carved oak cupboard antique double bed frame antique rustic pine dresser 1 mid century glazed counter top shop medicine cabinet antique french single bed antique rustic short stool vintage bamboo cabinet brass ecclesiastical stick stand oriental black lacquer tv cabinet arts crafts oak hall stand brass 18 branch chandelier enamelled copper wall plate minton rotique bowl silver plate posy bowl viners stuart devlin bowl georgian mahogany drop leaf table antique adjustable music stool 1 pair japanese jardiniere stands miniature chinese altar table victorian walnut occasional table 6 antique victorian rosewood dining chairs 4 antique mahogany dining chairs 1 pair vintage metal trays 4 antique edwardian dining chairs 3 small glass vase vintage glass cake stand 2 antique victorian mahogany dressing chest antique victorian button back armchair 1 mens black leather military dress boots arts crafts oak students bureau bookcase vintage collection of wood samples timbers of guyana vintage wooden corkscrew african ebony swallow comb wooden tripod stand copper pot oak crucifix copper planter turkish copper wall plate turkish enamelled copper wall plate falstaff epns candelabra st michaels mount oil on board 4 vintage boxed spoons hiram wild dessert spoon copeland spode italian blue white plate x 4 victorian blue white tureen bristol pottery willow pattern ginger jar british anchor regency cream jug leedsware classical pierced lidded pot victorian blue white meat plate large brass propeller antique mahogany clerks desk retro g plan teak tiled nest coffee table arts crafts oak sideboard 1 georgian mahogany chest of drawers 2 victorian mahogany chest of drawers antique georgian mahogany tall boy georgian oak chest of drawers 1 victorian straight front chest of drawers georgian mahogany chest of drawers 3 retro teak nest of tables retro johnson bros teapot hand painted fruit sieve saucer drawing out of doors cecil g trew vintage hand made childs leather shoes pair vintage childs pink shoes antique oak bureau bookcase pair vintage 1930s oak stools antique lithographs arctic exploration set 4 antique engravings collection of vintage saws pair brass bedside lamps collection of vintage hand saws vintage cut glass fruit bowl vintage water jug glasses large vintage glass serving bowl blue glass sunflower bowl pair indian brass candle holders single brass candle holder pair blue white oriental vase oriental blue white small bowls mrs beetons everyday cookery on the box seat from london to lands end james john hissey antique single rosewood dining chair large milk jug h samuel cutlery canteen antique bamboo wall mirror large seascape oil painting georgian mahogany bureau bookcase victorian mahogany hall stand antique edwardian upholstered armchair set 6 upholstered oak dining chairs victorian button back small sofa victorian salon chair georgian rush carver chair antique mahogany square stool continental stripped pine glazed dresser antique pine desk persian rug 1 large persian rug antique victorian double mahogany wardrobe vintage glass christmas tree decorations vintage glass christmas tree decorations 1 retro cane single headboard mahogany plant stand victorian earthenware pancheon bowl antique oak tambour roll top desk 1 georgian style mahogany glazed breakfront bookcase french floral upholstered corbeille bed frame large red afghan carpet large retro amber glass lamp shade vintage pink mottled glass shade large mottled glass flycatcher ceiling shade vintage styla wooden steering wheel mahogany drop leaf table set 4 vintage ravenhead sieasta wine glasses set 6 vintage ravenhead siesta water glass set 6 vintage ravenhead siesta beer glasses set 6 vintage ravenhead siesta liquer glasses hornsea lovestory dinner plate x 4 antique cast iron shoe last the eastern fells seaside gardening christine kelway vintage shoe cleaning box pair vintage hand made childrens shoes vintage enamel roaster 2 boxed epns grapefruit spoons vintage enamel roaster nacco denmark blue enamel casserole dish retro mustard floral tea set pair retro blue glass vase whitefriars red glass swan retro glass bird retro glass bull 4 vintage pixie glasses kitsch egg timer retro glass snake retro glass kangaroo retro glass dog retro glass elephant retro glass deer retro glass bambi deer chance glass plate 1 large afghanistan red rug jaj snowflake pyrex casserole dish vintage wooden sack trucks large antique painted pine garden bench hall kitchen large vintage frameless mirror cast iron garden bench large cast iron anchor victorian walnut centre table antique victorian rosewood card table set 6 mahogany chippendale style dining chairs pair pewter candlesticks single bergere cane tub chair pair sheraton style burr walnut side tables small gypsy style occasional table single bergere cane tub chair 1 antique mahogany occasional table pair antique oak pedestals antique rustic mahogany pine small table antique mahogany pembroke table 1 antique mahogany side table 3 vintage red petrol can vintage black enamel saucepan large brass steam thermometer antique open fire copper kettle apsco midget pencil sharpener marlboro plate epns sauce jug small epns pot crown devon dish spoon 4 vintage small water glasses shelley dainty mauve miniature cup saucer mahogany chest on stand victorian aesthetic movement card table antique mahogany pot cupboard painted lathe back kitchen chair beech elm lathe back windsor kitchen chair vintage bamboo side table oval frameless wall mirror mid 20th century kitchen table antique italian painted pine trunk antique bow front chest of drawers 3 single victorian style dining chair chinese famille rose ginger jar on stand vintage persian wool rug vintage kelim rug early 18th century walnut chest of drawers early 20th century walnut wall mirror antique walnut glazed pier cabinet french style side table gilt oval wall mirror victorian back armchair chair schweppes wooden crate vintage green glass bottle 1 oak framed mind your head lamorna cornish pottery lamp lamorna cornish pottery blue lamp open barley twist mahogany table lamp early 20th century oak table lamp vintage drinks serving tray ebony dressing table set antique cane commode bedroom chair pair retro beech shelves vintage snow globe small mahogany box pair arts crafts candlesticks wrought iron candle holder copper 4 pint jug brentleigh ware green lamp vintage wicker shopping basket vintage wicker shopping basket blue handles vintage linen sets spears draughts set vintage imperial typewriter vintage empire imperial dominoes small pine step ladder antique small chest of drawers antique oak mule chest 1 oriental hand painted picture mahogany torchere plant stand rustic antique oak dresser base terence conran mac lamp kendal pottery lamp parquetry drinks tray cast iron fire back carolean style occasional chair mahogany wall mirror 3 oak high back hall chair vintage wool rug chinese marble top side table antique victorian card table bentwood rocking chair mahogany snap top breakfast table folding beech chair retro glass penguin three vintage glass fish pair vintage glass birds vintage glass rabbit miss fluffy cat enid blyton vintage chimney sweep edwardian nursing chair edwardian style wing back chair large pearsons casserole dish pair nautical engravings 4 retro irish coffee drinking glasses shelley dainty bowl jug pair guernsey pottery oval dishes vintage wooden box dominoes vintage pink pyrex casserole dish ridgways royal semi porcelain casserole antique oak drop leaf table antique mahogany corner cupboard mid century afromosia sofa vintage wicker shopping basket 1 vintage desk tray sheffield stainless chromium spoons 6 pie tart server vintage baby spoon pusher antique oak reading stand side table the book of a thousand poems brass frame coffee table bleikristall german swan bowl 8 blue white china cups letter sealing set walt disney giant book of favourites 800 leagues up the amazon jules verne heyo brer rabbit enid blyton vintage oak hall stand pair chrome solingen candlesticks large stoneware mug falmouth serpentine souvenir rabone chesterman folding wooden ruler vintage glass jug small vase 6 vintage water glasses denby stoneware jar lid pair mason cash pudding bowls french quimper pottery vintage cast iron meat grinder vintage kitchenware pair diamond china plates jasperware rams head blue jug oriental blue white teapot pair art deco dancing ladies large art deco sand glaze vase oriental blue white blossom ginger jar pair blue oriental bowls pair of small silver candlesticks set 6 cut glass small tumblers set 4 small vintage licquer glasses j g meakin coffee set 6 cups saucers plates j g meakin poppy plates x 6 glass trifle bowl small serpentine bowl vintage kodak dualflex camera 6 small cut glass tumblers 4 alfred meakin bleu de roi dinner plates square pressed glass decanter 4 vintage licquer glasses mahogany book trough burmese carved arch 6 vintage moulded liquer glasses vintage scrabble vintage tri ominos board game large floral rose serving plate mens hand made tapestry slippers pair childs hand made green leather shoes t elliot sons ladies shoes pair antique silver bon bon dishes rogers bros 1847 silver plate bowl wedgwood sunflower china tea set autumn leaf tea set cups saucers plates pair cast iron andirons fire dogs retro style wicker coffee table edwardian small armchair late victorian upholstered nursing chair pair retro guy rogers virginia teak armchairs brass glass oval side table brass glass oval side table 1 antique mahogany writing bureau 1 mahogany twin pedestal writing desk antique edwardian armchair pair georgian style fret cut wall mirrors set 4 edwardian walnut dining chairs antique inlaid games occasional table antique cornish pine corner cupboard 8 autumn leaf dinner plates pair millefiori glass flutes 7 x french dinner knives mechanical wooden bottle stopper automaton bottle stopper kissing couple wooden mechanical cork bottle stopper antique oak library table desk oak tambour filing cabinet vintage kitchen chair antique upholstered tub chair lusty lloyd loom chair rigidex wine rack 200 bottles retro simulated bamboo glass dining table vintage pine british rail cupboard retro teak sideboard 1 victorian mahogany bookcase 1 antique 18th century oak chest coffer antique mahogany astragal glazed corner cabinet large vintage coat rail hooks large rectangular dark oak mirror pair vintage shoe buckles franciscan serving tureen 6 franciscan chestnut bread plate 4 franciscan chestnut dessert plates vintage wooden yard stick miniature glass basket of flowers large round serving chrome drinks tray colclough ivy china tea set shorter son 1930s floral dish colclough thistle snack plate cup crown devon dish cabbage jug grindley rosedene serving bowl 6 dessert bowls st issey vintage pin dish buckfast potteries ashley clough pair dishes 4 norville ware cartwright edwards plates royal grafton tea set 8 cups saucers plates kitsch dessert set plate forks past times blue white watering can house plants spode penny lane pair blue white jugs large blue pottery jug vintage shell petrol can 1 brass oil lamp mahogany pie crust occasional table large seated ceramic cheetah antique mahogany carver chair retro fire companion set hammered copper potpourri simmering pot retro bt brown leather phone eastern brass decorative plate military ww2 kershaw bino prism no 2 mkii x 6 binoculars case pair brass grecian style figure candlesticks retro teak wall mirror small square retro teak wall mirror retro cane magazine rack 1 vintage faux tortoise shell brushes hand mirror early 20th century oak tea caddy 6 teak handle dinner forks lancaster son photo enlarger the story of ships g fouille vintage childs book andersens fairy tales every boys book of ships modern boys book of firefighters my animal story book collection handpainted wooden eggs vintage mixing bowl 1 vintage mason cash mixing bowl pyrex casserole dish sauce boat retro boxed shot glasses 6 ravenhead wine glasses tiny etched glass salt pepper mustard pots set 6 retro red glass sherry glasses vintage amber glass posy flower bowl frog vintage amber glass dressing table set 5 amber glass dessert bowls 5 vintage glass dishes large vintage deco pink glass bowl centrepiece vintage pink glass dish ravenhead glass apple dessert set 5 retro german liquer glasses pair glass beer tankards stein 10 vintage coloured glass hi balls retro basket glasses french decanter shot glasses cut glass trifle serving bowl 4 antique glass spoon knife rest amber glass posy ring vintage pink glass serving bowl vintage clear glass flower bowl vase vintage etched glass jug reducta teak fruit bowl retro teak crocodile letter opener carved african letter opener vintage decanter labels vintage pressed glass bowl vintage pink glass serving bowl 1 purple etched glass vase vintage glass bottles 1 vintage blue glass dessert set thomas webb crystal bowl etched glass celery vase antique vienna porcelain breakfast service thomas webb decanter kinver crystal decanter 5 glass dessert bowls vintage pressed glass dessert bowl glass red vase bowl large red glass balloon vase 3 vintage glass sweet jar vintage glass codd bottle arcoroc glass cheese dome cut glass tazza lilac glass vase 8 tiny vintage liqueur glasses glass set jug compote cheese dome glass stemmed covered pot 4 vintage glass dessert bowls saucers pair coloured glass vase blue glass vase 1 glass dressing table set antique lead glazed window pane antique upholstered small sofa single upholstered tub chair single upholstered tub chair 1 pair art deco walnut cane chairs pressed brass umbrella stand oak barley twist three tier cake stand hmv gramophone vintage stained pine ply box reproduction cast iron fire back cast iron fire basket mahogany drop leaf table 2 pine joiners tool box retro onyx nest tables pair g plan fresco carver chairs pair victorian rosewood dining chairs loom style bedroom chair single teak danish carver chair oak lister barrel brass fire fender brass fire companion set tongs poker shovel poker rest vintage bentwood trunk vintage folding cinema seat large antique victorian twin pedestal desk vintage oak desk singer sewing machine 15k 1 collection vintage puzzles rupert pair vintage puzzles pair vintage puzzles trains viners the lincolnshire dessert set canteen orrefors swedish glass tealight holder eagle a2004 amplifier carved teak african walking cane collection purple glass 6 vintage coloured shot glasses 6 licqueur glasses cut glass serving bowl 4 coloured glass sherry licqueur glasses 4 pink peach tint glass champagne flutes vintage floral glass ceiling shade flycatcher czech china oval serving plate czech rose vegetable tureen 6 vintage czech china dinner plates royal albert celebration tea set small vintage table lamp brass service bell vintage sylvac tree jug french souvenir wooden tray 6 boxed teak cocktail forks pair white banded kitchen jugs copeland spode willow mandarin dessert set alfred meakin dessert set wood sons blue white oval plate brexton blue white spotty cups saucers midwinter evesham vegetable serving tureen victorian glass decanter 1 retro boc soda syphon german duck ornament indian pierced brass charger solid teak fruit bowl portmeirion flan dish 4 dudson armorlite plates royal sphinx maastricht ovenware bowl royal cauldon victoria dessert set spode green gloucester dish 6 wedgwood edme dinner plates 4 wedgwood breakfast salad plates bright glazed oval dish 5 alfred meakin hereford bowls 3 vintage serving plates set 6 dessert bowls retro cutlery set korea victorian floral serving tureen royal collection oval plate vintage santa ornament chromium plate dessert cutlery set 5 champagne glasses glass jugs carafe 4 etched sherry glasses 5 etched licqueur glasses vintage cream plaster table lamp small oak drop leaf carved side table antique french enfilade sideboard tapestry ecclesiastical bench seat cushion tapestry ecclesiastical bench seat cushion 1 tapestry ecclesiastical bench seat cushion 2 antique parquetry wine table oak linenfold bureau antique 5ft rustic stripped pine dresser bamboo chest of drawers set 4 victorian mahogany balloon back chairs antique marquetry side table antique victorian hall chair single g plan fresco dining chair single vintage bentwood dining chair oak carved wall cabinet antique small red button back armchair vintage pine formica table three seater sofa in ecclesiastical fabric art deco 8 day walnut longcase clock oak walnut french gothic cupboard late 20th century oil painting brass pestle mortar late 20th century breaking waves at sunset di african comb double ended wooden african comb retro chrome floodlight lamp vintage oriental pink wool rug pair afghan red prayer mats queen anne walnut chest on stand mashwani wool runner mashwani red wool runner pair early 20th century wingback armchairs large antique edwardian sofa late victorian walnut wardrobe victorian hand painted landscape plate oriental silk picture russian street scene oxford book of poetry for children edward blishen peter pan wendy jm barrie aa milne winnie pooh coxs greek stories the shepheards calendar by edmund spencer collection of vintage nature books retro green glass vase 1 retro green glass vase 2 a history of the english speaking peoples winston churchill vintage tin sewing contents retro fibreglass lamp shade carved oak bookcase georgian style oak dresser thonet bentwood half depth hatstand antique mahogany chest of drawers 8 eastern brass tray table oriental cabinet edwardian mahogany hall robe single antique mahogany dining chair pair antique mahogany dining chairs georgian mahogany bureau 1 small mahogany swing mirror rustic pine pigeonholes storage cupboard rare globe wernicke filing documents cabinet pair mahogany carver chairs mid century oak coal scuttle universal display london tailors dummy carved indian teak occasional table regency style convex mirror turned wooden tray eastern brass tray 1 pair bakelite photo frames gold lustre royal norfolk vase antique small mahogany desk victorian upholstered scroll arm sofa heals arts crafts oak sideboard liberty argyll arts crafts rush chair set 4 regency mahogany dining chairs victorian mahogany hall chair 1 continental walnut centre table set 6 french style rush dining chairs mahogany library table desk antique georgian walnut chest of drawers retro guy rogers afromosia sofa rare nest ercol coffee tables single victorian gothic revival oak dining chair set 6 arts crafts oak upholstered dining chairs set 4 cromwellian design dining chairs pair terracotta kitchen jugs antique carved oak armchair victorian mirror fire screen antique walnut roll top tambour desk mid century large coffee table continental pine refectory table pair copeland spode italian bread plates faux tortoise shell magnifying glass the old testament in greek vol i ii iii cambridge university press antique oak oval drop leaf dining table sterling silver compote epns pierced wine holder elkington plate hotel vase vintage brass horse shoe trivet vintage kodak 8 movie camera rat terriers oil on board the scottish students songbook lectures notes on shakespear samuel taylor coleridge oliver twist the old curiosity shop charles dickens sampler by benn 1931 ghosts marvels selected english short stories assorted collection vintage books replica bronze liberty bell collection vintage glassware collection vintage pottery collection vintage pots collection vintage pyrex dishes vintage glass pots 6 wedgwood indian tree dinner plate 6 wedgwood indian tree dinner bowls 9 wedgwood indian tree breakfast plate 3 indian tree tureen lids indian tree tureen saucer indian tree tureen saucer 1 12 bridgwood indian tree side plates indian tree cups saucers 6 balmoral china tea plate indian tree vintage glass preserve dish early 20th century blue leather office swivel chair single antique carriage lamp single brass fire shovel 4 french vallauris glazed pots etched glass water carafe glass john sylvia reid stag chest of drawers john sylvia reid stag dressing table 1 vintage ercol windsor coffee table antique mahogany chest of drawers 9 early 20th century wall mirror 1 metamorphic art deco walnut cocktail trolley retro cane plant stand large antique style coffee table victorian round breakfast table antique flame mahogany chiffonier pair antique style round coffee tables antique victorian chest of drawers 1 georgian mahogany bow front sideboard edwardian caned armchair antique mahogany side table 4 carved teak wall mirror retro whitefriars red glass vase cane plant stand retro vinyl pouffee footstool rustic oak occasional chair small pine bookshelf cast iron pan stand retro hacker radio coffee table retro wicker tub chair retro cane chair retro brass effect coal kindling box retro cane round side table retro cane glass albini coffee table 4 retro ercol dining chairs pair vintage ercol carver chairs ercol plate rack large oval glass coffee table edwardian mahogany armchair pair a santini oriental style table lamps single oriental style alabaster lamp laurie prober goblets vintage black porcelain hand vintage birthday postcard 19th century short brass candlesticks miniature the common book of prayer cornwall light infantry cap badge brass planter brass candle snuffer stand pair glass inkwells pair antique brass candlesticks antique georgian chest of drawers 1 antique oak tall boy pair vernacular ladderback chairs pair vernacular ladderback chairs 1 single ladderback country chair antique mahogany pot cupboard 1 antique walnut bedside cupboard brass fire companion set pierced brass fire fender cast resin head vintage candle snuffer pair pressed brass dishes collection vintage printing blocks small vintage brass bell vintage printing blocks large brass eastern planter christian bjorn larsen kristina print brass shell cartridges copper plant trough antique pewter hip flask antique oak metal bound chest single arkana tulip chair antique style narrow hall table vintage wooden step ladder 2 pair vintage green metal folding chairs single retro metal folding chair pair antique mahogany dining chairs 1 ceramic elephant plant stand pair green french viresa carboy bottle carved eastern chest of drawers small eastern carved cabinet antique mahogany oval tilt top occasional table vintage ercol drop leaf windsor dining table william iv mahogany side table 1 retro cane folding dressing screen cast iron stick stand 1 vintage lustre fire grate antique pierced brass fire fender vintage rustic painted pine box large reproduction william mary style side table traditional style nest side tables antique oak side table antique oak bench rustic elm mahogany chiffonier geometric oak mule chest retro john sylvia reid wardrobe pair antique victorian carved side chairs antique oak coffer 4 antique mahogany chest of drawers 10 set 4 victorian style dining chairs antique mahogany demi lune side table antique marble top washstand 1 antique georgian oak mule chest antique mahogany glazed bookcase 1 antique bow front chest of drawers 4 rustic stick back chair vintage 1950s walnut display cabinet vintage cantilever sewing box pair beaded footstools large 1920s dark oak triple wardrobe antique mahogany chest on chest 1 georgian oak tall boy continental pine cupboard st ives souvenir jug vintage looe cup saucer white ceramic cherub black glass vase antique oak bureau mahogany round ships table antique upholstered chaise longue anglo indian padouk armchair william iv mahogany serving table fisco sr2m wooden rule alabaster round stemmed centrepiece bowl alabaster eggs retro german plant pot retro plant pot retro danish teak salad servers pair faros keramik decorative plates millefiori glass bead necklace alfonso fusco candle holder the hunter by myott oval plate retro hudson wheel vase large ceramic vase pair alfred meakin parisienne dinner plates retro cane chair 1 pair antique victorian inlaid armchairs antique mahogany drop leaf table 2 pair copper jugs copper jug pot pair decorative copper leaves pair copper candle holders vintage crocodile clip candle holder stripe pottery jug carved armadillo hand made piggy bank the open book of nature georgian style oak dresser 1 victorian aesthetic movement octagonal centre table mahogany drop leaf dining table maple co pot cupboard antique mahogany chest of drawers 11 antique style console table pair victorian walnut dining chairs rustic stained pine wall shelves antique walnut rustic cane chair vintage blue wicker bedroom chair vintage blue linen basket sirrum vintage linen basket antique edwardian mahogany demi lune side table antique edwardian overmantle mirror antique brass coat hooks victorian button back armchair 1 antique mahogany commode vintage walnut occasional chair single oak edwardian dining chair 4 victorian dining chairs 1 single mahogany shield back chair 1950s oak dining chair nest vintage side tables john tennant herons print 1970 woman with a fruit bowl edwardian folding mirror fire screen single victorian dining chair 1 set 4 oak barley twist dining chairs gilt pier glass regency style dining table single vintage dining chair vintage oak serving tray murano glass sailing boat pair glass fishing floats vintage green glass bottle 2 gilt oval wall mirror 1 coal scuttle weathered concrete balusters wine rack cast iron enamelled bathroom vanity mirror pair gilt wall sconce brass hanging porch light lantern retro german vase 2 set 6 antique bar back dining chairs 4 hepplewhite style dining chairs single hepplewhite style carver chair reproduction nest tables babbacombe pottery money box antique double brass bed frame bedstead oak barley twist dining table 1 rustic stained pine side table antique mahogany work table round supper occasional table antique rosewood upholstered armchair pair antique georgian oak dining chairs edwardian mahogany side table early 20th century oak screen eastern hard wood daybed edwardian chest of drawers 1 antique 19th century crossbanded chest of drawers vintage bathroom mirror vanity antique safe thomas perry sons antique mahogany glazed bookcase 2 set 6 antique mahogany dining chairs 1 singer treadle sewing machine antique victorian mahogany twin pedestal sideboard jacobean style dark oak wardrobe antique edwardian walnut sideboard antique carved oak cupboard 1 cut crystal vase pink caithness glass vase pair glass paperweights vintage glass deer w t brass avery balance scales set brass weights blue glazed duck 8 purple glass wine glass vintage etched glass jug stemmed bowl dartington glass ice bucket tongs retro smoked glass water jug purple glass covered jar amethyst cut glass bowl retro purple glass bowl carnival glass bowl b co limoges coffee pot pair majolica sand glazed vase lit en bateau french bed lit en bateau french small double bed chippendale style mahogany bookcase pair arts crafts iron fire dogs leather umbrella stand retro tansad machinist swivel chair cintique retro easy chair antique 19th century mahogany carver chair single victorian bar back dining chair 1950s garrard rc75 autochanger record player pair folding theatre cinema seats vintage oak chest of drawers mahogany console table lit en bateau french bed 1 antique style single bed victorian pine chiffonier sideboard pair bergere cane armchairs antique bergere cane sofa antique stained glass art nouveau style wall light early 20th century wooden case be happy all the year needlework antique carved french hunt cabinet oak bobbin turned mirror vintage brass weight sets samuel alcock parian ware jug royal worcester fern pot alcobaca vase goebel duck preserve pot lomonosov otter figure sylvac honey bee pot tiger cub figure vintage camel teapot dbl holland cow creamer frederick weinberg style horse pukeberg sweden glass polar bear murano glass chinese figure pair kitch hands vase glass necklace tree blue cut glass bowl green glass dessert set set 6 champagne glasses 4 cut glass port glasses 6 whisky tumblers glass jar dish large glass serving salad bowl pair contemporary glass vase large dartington glass bowl glass bon bon dish vintage covered glass dish vintage etched glass rose bowl dartmouth pottery pink shell set royal winton grimwades spring glory square plates cornish serpentine vase cornish serpentine candlestick brown leather desk tidy green leaf dish vintage green enamel candle holder melba ware large spaniel flat back boat copper teapot brown glass decanter pair vintage enamel colanders large glass serving platter vintage chrysanthemum round tray brown glazed coffee pot stavangerflint jug large stoneware glazed jar t g green gripstand mixing bowl pair blue white vintage t g green mixing bowls pestle mortar bernard moss pottery bowl bernard moss cornish pottery pot lid arch pottery st ives pin dish humphrey wakefield isles of scilly dish honiton pottery pin dish pair pottery kitchen jars pottery salt pepper pots vintage fish mould small jelly moulds cow bells g a dunn bowler hat boxwood measure vintage spirit level vintage magnifying glass vintage spelter arc de triomphe souvenir vintage brass wookey hole cave souvenir vintage hawkeye ace camera mahogany desk tidy bohemian overlay glass vase silver brush set vintage teddy bear eastern wooden pen pot eastern carved tray horse brass soft brown leather glasses case retro white coffee pot treen bowl german bisque porcelain hanging figure handpainted floral plaque eastern red lacquer papier mache pot red pen pot red florentine tray red poole pottery delphis vase poole pottery delphis dish poole pottery squirrel dish antique mahogany side table 5 early 20th century oak bank of drawers antique victorian oak display cabinet arts crafts solid oak lectern antique carved oak bobbin turned stool georgian mahogany torchere pair victorian nursing fireside chairs single carolean style side chair rustic pine side table 1 elm smokers bow chair boulton pottery green platter onyx mantle clock shirley avis co copper coaster pair vintage pierced brass pin dishes decorative brass bird pair brass candlesticks 2 capodimonte doves capodimonte dove ornament victorian carved oak extending dining table early 20th century bank of oak drawers antique copper log bin antique mahogany dining table antique rosewood chiffonier 6 cane deco style dining chairs antique victorian ebonised credenza pair vintage occasional chairs single edwardian occasional chair 4 rustic farmhouse beech kitchen chairs arts crafts oak sideboard 2 antique pine chest early 20th century oak tambour desk large georgian style upholstered footstool small flower fairies ebonised stool italian style square coffee table 4 antique mahogany bar back dining chairs pair antique rosewood dining chairs 1 pair antique mahogany dining chairs 2 single antique mahogany dining chair 1 pair georgian style carver chairs regency mahogany chiffonier antique edwards roberts ash wardrobe antique edwards roberts ash dressing table antique edwards roberts ash chest of drawers vintage metal tin trunk 1 vintage brown leather briefcase vintage brown leather suitcase pair vintage frilly glass vase vintage framed cornish landmark pictures retro brass copper poker in stand oak bureau early 16th century carvings grey painted overmantle mirror antique square oak tilt top breakfast table small retro beech stool antique oak georgian corner cupboard rustic antique large pine coffee table french marble top bedside cabinet retro nest teak coffee tables retro teak wall mirror 1 antique printers tray letters set 4 queen anne style dining chairs eastern bone inlaid chair antique mahogany breakfast table antique oak carved coffer opaque glass vase white decanter traditional glass vase antique duplex brass oil lamp st austell brewery co cornwall coronation ale 1953 clarice cliff newport pottery tureen 3 x large sweet shop glass jar mickey mouse moneybox royal cauldon victoria 6 x breakfast plates royal cauldon victoria dinner plates x 5 4 denby manor green plates 4 denby manor green individual casserole oven dish denby butter dish pair brown glazed casseroles retro grays pottery butter dish 6 masons ship ironstone transferware dinner plates japanese wood block print collection french paper fundraising badges wood sons robert burns motto plate crown ducal florentine tureen bridgwood willow coffee set cups cousances orange casserole dish vintage floral vegetable tureen collection flying ducks decorative floral trays pair vintage pressure gauges pair small brenda caraco oil on board alfred beaumont pen ink drawings paintings pair engravings plymouth mount edgcumbe vintage oriental pin dish retro frosted glass vase stained pine writing box portmeirion salad bowl portmeirion clock vintage oriental picture vintage sheet music cornish maps lelectric brevete pocket multi tool mini squeezers patience playing cards vintage rook card game waddingtons lexicon vintage card game a preface to paradise lost c s lewis collection vintage childrens penquin books scout camps set 4 glass dessert ice cream bowls set 4 cut glass port glasses 4 brandy balloon glasses deco style alarm radio metamec oak mantle clock 6 epns vintage dessert spoons 4 soup spoon f monogram 4 vintage epns dinner forks vintage 4 dinner forks knives vintage roskyl pottery vase vintage nutbrown kitchen utensils retro fish knives forks 3 pairs vintage scissors vintage italian vase vintage epns wine bottle coaster large blue white transferware wash jug 3 vintage serving bowls churchills finlandia furnivals denmark cups saucers small brass coal scuttle pair lombard copper jugs caerco pottery decorative spanish plate enamelled brass peacock bowl pair indian brass bells eastern brass decorative tray dartington ice bucket vintage kitchen accessories green anglepoise lamp anglepoise lamp teak table lamp vintage hmv radio 1379 imperial safari vintage typewriter vintage japanese cup saucer vintage floral dressing table set victorian jug stand bakelite dish mid century twin pedestal desk johnson bros blue oval plate 4 johnson bros bowls vintage viners cutlery brown anglepoise lamp chinese black lacquer work box japanese porcelain moustache cup edward vii silver trophy goblet antique mahogany twin pedestal sideboard waring gillows walnut writing bureau antique walnut overmantle mirror antique stained pine mule chest antique 18th century oak coffer set 6 antique rosewood dining chairs antique mahogany drop leaf table 3 single elm rustic stick back chair pair early 19th century dining chairs antique mahogany side table 6 antique victorian mahogany games table antique pitch pine chest of drawers antique writing table renaissance style carved walnut savonarola chair large everwear antique brown leather square travel trunk antique finnigans fitted travel trunk retro blue formica drop leaf kitchen table pair retro teak easy armchairs antique 19th century mahogany chest of drawers retro coloured glass bowls oriental blue white ginger jar single vintage green cream cup saucer pair vintage white coffee cups large victorian mahogany cheval mirror georgian mahogany tea table 1 victorian mahogany games console table set 4 antique victorian mahogany dining chairs carved camphor chest carved oriental coffee table victorian oak freestanding bookcase pair edwardian armchairs antique oak charles ii style small oak dresser base large antique overmantle mirror 1 victorian mahogany hall chair 2 large turkish rug 1 four oriental embroidered silk panels antique oak twin pedestal desk northern european oak chest john bampfield harbour scene copper coal scuttle red bokhara rug ukrainian machine loomed textile tulips in bowl adrian campbell george reekie still life vintage wonder sign magnetic letters pair elephant standard lamps consider the lily artist proof a l sutton set 4 cornish nautical prints pair victorian framed landscape blue white oriental pot pencil drawing f l emanuel pair glass globe shades solingen retro candlesticks retro copper plate cut glass claret jug vintage sewing etui needle case assorted vintage cutlery vintage snoopy tin pair vintage salad servers vintage epns shell fruit serving spoon pair mayell salad servers vintage mayell cake slice wedgwood wild strawberry salad bowl collection vintage lead farm animals toys collection vintage plastic farm animals the locomotive its failures remedies thomas pearce teak salad servers kitsch tapestry cottage scene retro glosswood cutlery set carn boscastle pottery bud vase the poetical works of sir walter scott lewis rose knives boxed vintage boxed fish knives forks the popular encyclopedia of gardening antique mahogany compactum wardrobe highland river scene brass table lamp vintage walking sticks umbrella vintage wicker shopping basket 2 vintage gold tilley paraffin lamp long geometric hall carpet runner ercol draw leaf extending dining table antique samuel withers iron safe antique black iron strong box safe large antique iron strong box safe 20th century oak dresser antique luri rug antique glazed pine dresser retro floral carpet large indian carpet large indian wool rug 3 red afghan rugs blue persian wool rug oriental umbrella stand vase blue white vegetable dish large afghan carpet pair gold bedroom chairs painted galvanised bath tub retro tan leather footstool 3 deco style chrome leather bar stools large dowlatabad red afghan carpet c e cameron january oil painting antique globe ceiling light victorian mahogany octagonal centre table pair antique nursing chairs victorian rosewood buttoned nursing chair antique victorian oak carved side table antique solid mahogany oval dining table antique early 20th century small sofa antique oak upholstered bench chair victorian style mahogany cheval mirror stripped pine rustic chest of drawers antique victorian straight front chest of drawers large freestanding bank of oak haberdashery drawers pair antique edwardian library chairs red oriental freestanding cupboard round occasional cricket table vintage hinged seat music stool 1 rustic elm ash spindle back chair 3 vintage wooden tennis rackets vintage beech artist box easel large railway metal wrench vintage floral single bed sheets royal worcester white urn plant pot kralik glass vase quality large cut glass bowl serpentine lighthouse orange carnival glass dish on stand retro encore yellow plastic plates pair indian pierced carved trivet 6 vintage shell fruit spoons vintage clam shell sterling silver sugar tongs 4 vintage fish knives vintage pressed fruit spoon mother of pearl knife vintage epns small bowl antique brass chamberstick h k tunstall vintage floral sandwich plate 4 small plates retro bamboo plant stand large oriental hammered brass jardiniere antique brass coal scuttle vintage brass log bin vintage folding wooden step ladder collection retro tapestry cushions thetford retro drinks tray wooden napkin rings vintage glass cake stand jelly mould hoya crystal t yamamoto glass plate antique glass apothecary jar pair pink glass frilly bell shape lamp shades pair white glass wall sconce lamp shades oriental terracotta tea set 3 x antique pewter tankards pair retro hornsea summit plant pots 3 antique victorian bar back mahogany dining chairs large antique oak extending dining table victorian inlaid walnut credenza victorian style cast iron umbrella stand 1 pair vintage wooden hand saws edwardian oval wall mirror vintage 1940s small oak wall mirror mahogany antique oval wall mirror vintage gilt hall mirror 1940s dark oak over mantle mirror distressed faded vintage afghan rug cream beige pakistan rug large red persian style rug vintage indian wool rug persian shiraz rug heals son early 20th century mahogany triple wardrobe early 20th century mahogany free standing bookcase pair retro guy rogers teak frame armchairs antique victorian upholstered button back armchair deco bamboo side table antique cast iron aesthetic movement over mantle mirror antique gilt gesso frame triple over mantle mirror antique large over mantle mirror antique single french bed antique edwardian mahogany sutherland table retro teak occasional table pair vintage oak small chest of drawers retro red formica kitchen table elm beech lathe back chair victorian mahogany frame antique mahogany wall mirror antique gilt over mantle mirror victorian ebonised aesthetic design dresser antique mahogany cross banded chest of drawers h p stevenson water colour antique heals mahogany dressing table writing desk victorian rosewood marquetry wall mirror vintage wooden book trough wooden book trough pair oriental floral table lamps oriental ceramic umbrella stand vintage brass tone cylinder umbrella stand retro bamboo footstool vintage irish linen tea towels pair vintage wooden tennis rackets vintage large green glass bottle large green glass martell cognac bottle retro terylene floral double eiderdown vintage pedigree push along dog toy regency style neoclassical gilt over mantle mirror early 20th century jacobean style solid oak dining table retro ply toy box on castors vintage jacobs cream crackers large tin norman franks baker street blue white oval serving plate royal cauldon blue dragon serving plate pair blue white willow pattern plates platters justitia et fides antique scales plate thomas till sons burslem clyde plate early 20th century oak salad bowl vintage grindley white serving oval plate 1920s epns oak salad servers vintage white serving plate vintage glazed mixing bowl kitchenalia marble pestle mortar 2 vintage white enamel jugs bowl kitchenalia wooden mallet cocktail muddler silver tone bottle pourer stopper solid silver vintage sugar tongs pair vintage aluminium saucepans pair vintage enamel saucepans vintage aluminium coffee pot percolator antler whistle large antique willow plate platter vintage wooden french cork screw 4 glazed avacado shape bowls brown glazed bowl pair glazed square pots 3 vintage pieces studio pottery tremaen cornish pottery lamp wall mount pub style brass bell large rustic eastern brass jug pewter tankards vintage green enamel candle holder chamber stick bolingey cornish pottery candle holder chamber stick antique pancheon earthenware slipware bowl vintage first aid kit tin illustrated triangle bandage tiny slip ware bowl antique brass magnifying glass antique cast brass bell pull front door vintage brass pig ornament vintage postal office scales t o blake hydrometer boxed earthenware planter plant pot made in italy vintage wooden ammunition box vintage wooden ammunition box 1 vintage stoneware bottle hot water bottle vintage wooden pine box pair vintage wooden bowls pair of vintage pipes ropp de luxe wooden pipe vintage aluminium kettle teapot large vintage metal wire bakers tray brass paraffin oil lamp unusual studio pottery vase vintage gunters scale wooden rule cornish pottery carn pottery vase galvanised large milk jug piece of bog wood large stoneware jug vintage wood hand plane old antique wood plane iron hanging candelabra collection vintage kitchenalia nutcracker vintage wooden rule scissors slate wall clock retro white boc soda syphon retro bronze boc soda syphon retro red boc soda syphon retro blue drinks tray retro kitchen utensils vintage chrome manual fruit juicer vintage chrome wine cooler ice bucket vintage childs tamborine drum vintage chrome thermos jug retro biltons coffee pot pair kitsch brass table bells retro teak boat table lamp retro teak table lamp retro boxed pyrex coffee set chalkware african female head bust retro teak gazelle ornament retro brown glazed stoneware salad bowl retro arthur wood glazed flower bowl vintage painted rabbit garden ornament vintage painted owl garden ornament pair retro oriental lacquer wall plaques vintage aluminium walls ice cream tub set 6 vintage water glasses vintage bark cloth curtains vintage serving dips platter kitsch cruet set retro plant pots retro pressed glass decanter vintage oriental paper parasol vintage shearling toy poodle vintage brass turkish tea set john bampfield abstract oil painting 4 vintage ice cream dessert bowls vintage kerplunk retro smiths wall clock retro sharp gf4646 boombox blue vintage tablecloths pair vintage yellow check tablecloths vintage woven picnic basket vintage clear glass vase antique victorian clear glass table lustre candlestick ship in a haig dimple bottle sea witch single antique gaudy welsh tulip plate ceramic rabbit dish lid ceramic duck dish lid pair cream myott sons serving plates royal doulton the hunting man decorative plate copeland spode byron plate pair vintage pressed glass vase vintage round orange glass posy ring bowl pair cut glass posy vase large cut glass fruit bowl vintage burleigh ware parrot jug three pairs vintage binoculars french candle wall sconce antique brass cherub wall sconce 4 antique blue white dinner plates 4 antique blue white breakfast plates vintage oval floral rose serving plate vintage cream potty oriental style planter vintage oxo tins pair kirkland co kiralpo ware art nouveau vase vintage burlington ware 1930s floral tea caddy large cranberry glass vase tall pink glass vase oriental floral tea caddy elephant spill vase large vintage pressed glass fruit bowl pair short brass candlesticks pair traditional style candlesticks green shelley jug vintage moroccan style shoe pin cushion antique georgian style walnut mirror antique ebonised wall mirror aladdin 23 brass oil lamp pair brass coal buckets small carved side table vintage walnut veneer small cupboard pair antique edwardian 3ft bed frames chippendale style single dining chair single mahogany william iv dining chair large globe glass bead chandelier burmese octagonal carved occasional table oval green chinoserie oriental style mirror bechstein model a grand piano antique walnut whatnot canterbury large contemporary mirror vintage wire dress form industrial aluminium desk table lamp retro wooden childs play pen retro wooden childs cot vintage enamel top kitchen table retro tiled coffee table mart stam style cantilever chair retro pink italian vase decorative jug small retro red glass vase set 6 pimpernell boxed coasters nautical georgian mahogany standard lamp antique carved oak mule chest antique mahogany reading table antique georgian mahogany bureau william iv rosewood dining table retro bamboo cane rocking chair retro square extending formica kitchen table vintage walnut veneer cocktail cabinet art deco sprung rocking chair french painted marble jardinere antique red upholstered armchair victorian walnut wall shelves georgian style mahogany nightstand round eastern side table edwardian tub chair 1 victorian writing table 1 antique mahogany writing bureau 2 antique dark oak jacobean style sideboard harlequin set of 6 19th century mahogany dining chairs set 6 upholstered dining chairs 1930s oak lead glazed bookcase antique georgian writing bureau single antique mahogany bar back dining chair 1 victorian mahogany oval side table pair edwardian upholstered tub armchairs antique victorian ebonised sofa antique victorian mahogany pembroke table narrow oak refectory dining table edwardian mahogany writing bureau beech lathe back kitchen chair copper tone holophane wall light art deco standard lamp shade brass 5 arm chandelier charles andrews mylor cornwall framed charcoal drawing mythical god charcoal drawing mythical god pair framed botanical prints john gilroy the rose print ecclesiastical print reverse painted icon saint george theodor father timotei tohaneanu dark oil painting landscape pair spelter figures large cut glass pot lid glass butter dish lid 2 shallow trays vintage epns baby teething ring pair shell dishes foley geranium tea plates glazed earthenware bowl on stem casa domani persia plate denby regency green cups saucers plates retro fibreglass tray pair dartmouth pottery swan plant pots the production marketing of pigs h r davidson 2 sets vintage napkins 4 vintage embroidered linen tray cloths pair irish linen damask tablecloths pair white linen pillow slips m monogram vintage floral silk ladies hankies pair white linen floral pillow slip covers pair floral embroidered cushion slip cover pair vintage tablecloths checked white yellow pair floral embroidered tablecloths vintage blue embroidered floral square tablecloth vintage white linen embroidered bolster case two glass bud vase vintage observer books garden flowers 25 horses ponies 9 mahogany corner side table oak cane occasional chair antique upholstered armchair carved oak single cupboard antique pine kitchen wall shelves pair antique victorian rosewood dining chairs crossbanded mahogany pembroke table french style mahogany console table antique french mahogany console table antique oak sideboard jersey cow butter dish 3 retro tray cloths collection vintage table mats vintage chair covers vintage floral embroidered table mats vintage hand crochet mat vintage hand crochet mats vintage hand made doilies kitsch donkey planter glass s p pots wooden pot pourri box vintage heart cake tins pastry cutter contemporary clear glass vase kitsch shoes table salt cellar pair vintage hexagonal glass jars antique victoria jubilee plate 1886 vintage chalk ware rabbit retro ceylon loose tea wall dispenser pair glass demi johns large vintage glass sweet jar etched glass bon bon dish pair wedgwood iona soup bowls pair poole pottery map plates pair glass candlesticks set vintage metal letter stencils british garden flowers george m taylor pair small decorative milk jugs antique stoneware hot water bottle pair blue white delft jug vase pair blue white delft vase blue glazed pots brass coal shovel poker victorian aesthetic movement fire dogs tool rest mahogany pembroke table 6 stainless sundae spoons contemporary wooden salad servers set 6 retro black handle spoons vintage swan metal pocket protector antique barlock typewriter boscastle pottery decorative urn green orange spongeware decorative jug folk art gourd maraca glass distilled water bottle retro red glass 3 pieces large turned yew wood candle holder pair brass boots vintage wooden shoe trees antique edwardian mahogany sideboard set 6 victorian walnut dining chairs antique victorian ladies writing desk 1950s the citizens housewife guide victorian plate epns small coffee pot antique epns coffee pot cristal darques glass bowl vintage brass candle lantern british anchor willow cereal bowls x 6 german wooden plate collection salt glaze jar pots royal crown derby teapot derby posies falstaff silver plated dish antique cast iron kitchen scales poole pottery delphis dish 1 pair antique rosewood dining chairs 2 eastern brass tray table 1 set 4 early 20th century oak dining chairs georgian oak kitchen dresser single antique victorian mahogany dining chair mahogany small side table mahogany wine table f winkie wheildon ware sandwich plates blue retro glazed vase pair antique victorian cast iron garden urns antique french black desk carved eastern bookcase antique 19th century mahogany cabinet mahogany 3 tier cake stand antique occasional side table single beech lathe back kitchen chair mahogany glazed bookcase victorian rosewood tapestry prayer chair gothic style mahogany hall chair set 4 antique french dining chairs antique victorian mahogany hall tree 4 retro ebonised frame dining chairs pair large green tint glass vase j h w sons belmont blue white plate pair antique short brass candlesticks small framed lace crochet small hand made cork box large eastern brass vase pair eastern brass vase royal bonn cheese dish antique victorian mahogany chiffonier antique victorian scrolled end sofa antique mahogany jardinere vintage ercol tea trolley oak arts crafts table retro black lacquer square coffee table single fischel bentwood bistro chair edwardian inlaid occasional chair single mahogany carver dining chair stained pine trunk pair nautical seahorse brass lamps antique astragal glazed cabinet antique small mahogany cupboard set 4 mahogany dining chairs amercian leather rocking chair pair chinese armchairs antique sycamore turned trinket pot vintage order memo spike s m la bruna ceramic italy dish earthenware mug radford pottery cruet set retro catherineholm saucepan retro red salter kitchen scales holkham pottery rnli pottery mugs x 3 jo lester iow pottery vase crown devon stockholm side plates x 4 crown devon stockholm vegetable tureen 6 t g green cornishware plates 6 cornishware cereal bowls single poole pottery twintone vegetable tureen single poole pottery twintone oval plate 6 poole pottery twintone dinner plates 5 poole pottery twintone salad plates 12 poole pottery twintone side plates retro white glass ceiling light pair antique wall sconce antique rustic pine chest of drawers 1 single mahogany dining chair 2 vintage cow bell stone pestle mortar 1 mahogany side table antique cane commode vintage table mats vintage botanical print hautboy strawberries original antique framed bird prints rural cottage scene they wanted to live cecil roberts the beauties of kirke white the story of spode the hunt j f herring 3 vintage bun cake tins leather gladstone bag black retro magazine newspaper rack retro magazine rack 2 pair glass dome shades prinknash vase serpentine bowl walnut saucer vintage pottery buchan pot vintage royal dux decorative vase antique french rosewood dining table anglo indian carved padouk card table large victorian mahogany extending dining table antique armenian garabagh rug chinese large square coffee table mahogany corner counter top glazed cabinet early 20th century oak umbrella stick antique counter top glazed cabinet antique french nursing bedroom chair antique indian carved table oak newspaper magazine rack pokerwork wall mount cabinet pair victorian wall shelves antique 19th century mhaogny drop leaf work table retro boho cane bamboo double headboard inlaid games occaisonal table antique indian occasional table antique wool erivan rug antique vintage wooden cricket bat pair antique watercolours r hall connoisseurs chinese rectangular spelter box oil on board portrait of old man unframed retro auminium wall mount cabinet pair regency mahogany dining chairs harry bertoia designed diamond chair oil on board portrait of old man framed rustic pine breakfront bookcase retro tiled coffee table 1 albini style retro coffee table stained glass window panel antique style wall mirror forest alpine scene watercolour single glass dome flycatcher light shade pair retro parker knoll wing back armchairs retro vintage kitsch drinks bar display cabinet antique eastern wool rug antique ebonised wall mirror 1 modern pink eastern rug rosewood games table large antique mahogany sideboard large glazed stoneware planter pair glazed wee willie winkie candle holders walter hicks st austell cornish flagon spong no 3 cast iron grinder 4 vintage pink wool table mats 6 langley pottery soup bowls lids two vintage jugs blue white glass johnson bros indies bowls x 6 portugal jugs 3 x sampson bridgwood glazed divided serving dishes vintage milk jugs 4 small loaf tins anchor pottery vase small studio pot pair glazed milk jugs vintage collection pots vintage glass cake stand jelly mould 1 glazed pottery bowl bolingey pottery bowl doulton lambeth salt glaze jug 4 sets vintage buttons on card hammered copper scoop pair milk jugs national trust plain white sweetman son b w newquay photos taylor eye witness antler 3 piece carving set vintage wooden thermometer pic slide rule boxed brass marine gimbal lamp chinese red lacquer stacking box small rustic wooden stool english cornish dictionary wooden candle wall sconce cornwall watercolours g f nicholls 8 beech napkin rings vintage childs scarf ornamental wooden pipe vintage french menus enamelled brass bowl carved wooden letter rack desk tidy framed fowey print playing cards wooden case j stevenson nervous affections disorders of the head chest stomach bowwels 1830 german porcelain figural candelabrum dorothy alicia lawrenson a river landscape watercolour forest wearne rockpool watercolour children running framed woodcut sylvac bunny victorian forget me not moustache cup saucer launceston castle souvenir moustache cup saucer pair vintage glass posy vase blue floral pin dish knight lustre poker pair glass bubble bud vase pair vintage sugar tongs vintage serving meat fork vintage serving sugar tongs retro glass dessert set delft ornament seated couple carlton ware squirrel cruet salt pepper pots delft blue white ornament pepper hope silver tone tray pair floral china candlesticks plain white vintage feeding jug oxney green planter vintage glass dressing table set rosewood wooden pot serpentine vase leather bridge box vintage leather binoculars case waddingtons fine playing cards vintage mother of pearl souvenir etched glass bowl pair glass celery vase 5 liquer glasses pair square glass dishes 6 quality liquer shot glasses set 5 cut glass bowls wooden inlaid tray pair walker hall silver golf club tea spoons epns meat fork 6 champagne flutes collection quality glassware pair potter sheffield servers fox geese solitaire faux tortoiseshell hand mirror box irish linen napkins vintage shell trinket box oriental style vase italian floral wall plaques escalado horse racing game pair vintage photo frames brentleigh ware mandarin jug vintage totopoly game sunflower still life pair large club style armchairs floral upholstered small armchair antique victorian armchair victorian button back armchair for reupholstery antique rosewood side table kitsch vintage display cabinet pair retro teak chest of drawers bedside cabinets still life vase of flowers fruit large stoneware flagon 1 pair brass coffee side tables marble mahogany round dressing table mirror antique style cast iron fire grate oriental style large coffee table waring gillow chest of drawers large green oriental cupboard edwardian square side table carved oak side chair antique victorian straight front chest of drawers 1 stripped pine towel rail single carved oak cane chair single ercol ladderback carver chair antique mahogany gate leg table rustic marble top wash stand square marble coffee table large square marble coffee table elliott unframed landscape vintage tate lyle tin buttons german porcelain ribbon plate ixer cottage scene two similar austrian porcelain figures 5 pieces of plymouth crestware a j wilkinson honeyglaze royal staffs plates x 6 pair a j wilkinson honeyglaze royal staffs tureens a j wilkinson honeyglaze royal staffs jug a j wilkinson honeyglaze royal staffs meat plate x 3 a j wilkinson honeyglaze royal staffs plates x 7 aynsley cottage garden bone china dishes 5 czech fruit dessert bowls round silver tone drinks serving tray pair silver plated candlesticks victory ply wood puzzle the conference victory ply wood puzzle settling the boundary st george series draughts vintage rupert book waddingtons lexicon vintage card game 1 retro butter dish antique serving 6 small plates duchess china ascot 6 white gold dinner plates duchess china ascot 6 white gold bowls duchess china ascot 4 white gold cups saucers duchess china ascot 6 white gold side plates duchess china ascot white gold teapot antique george iii oak dresser antique victorian mahogany mirror back sideboard antique rustic pine settle vintage leather camel stool oak barley twist side table bamboo cane mannequin framed oriental style screen print set 6 french oak breton style dining chairs parker knoll deco style armchair victorian rosewood music stool single rustic kitchen chair mahogany standard lamp antique piano stool small freestanding bookcase stained pine side table antique bow front chest of drawers 5 antique mahogany bow front chest large early 20th century over mantle mirror eastern caned conversation sofa vintage epns fish serving knife fork glazed pottery horse inkwell pair glazed preserve pots pair vintage hornsea fauna vase spears games colour dominoes collection vintage christmas tree decorations pair silver plated photo frames vintage fish knives forks 1 6 serrated fruit knives wheatley brothers 8 royal osborne caprice tea plate 2 x community plate hampton court spoons 6 vintage boxed butter knives vintage tapestry cushion vintage pink floral tapestry cushion pair georgian style shepherd crook armchairs eastern caned conversation sofa 1 pair indian low square tables french marble top side table 1 green oriental style console table retro cane chair 2 vintage bamboo tiled round dining table single victorian rosewood dining chair antique silver tipped walking cane large set 10 mahogany dining chairs german biedermeier chest of drawers portugese walnut leather chair french louis xv style gilt bronze cut glass chandelier antique oak refectory table brass cylinder stick stand mahogany torchere candle stand 4 victorian mahogany balloon back dining chairs nest green onyx side tables cast iron fire insert painted pine surround freestanding bookcase gold imari bowl on stand gold imari charger 10 portmeirion pomona apple harvest side bread plates 8 portmeirion pomona apple harvest dinner plates portmeirion pamona large salad bowl lilien porzellan austria jug 8 cups leyk lichthauser handmade tealight holder original leyk handmade tealight holder sia white vase pair retro fox wall plaques contemporary crackle glass candle holder single kosta boda glass snowball tea light holder carved hard wood african head arabia finland large sunflower plate set 4 glass candle holders solid wood chess checkers games board aynsley pembroke lidded pot pin dish masons christmas village large bowl royal worcester evesham coffee pot royal worcester evesham teapot royal worcester evesham large bowl royal worcester evesham large tureen royal worcester evesham quiche dish x 3 royal worcester evesham oven dish royal worcester evesham cake plate royal worcester evesham ramekin x 8 royal worcester evesham large fruit bowl royal worcester evesham pair souffle dishes royal worcester evesham large oval plate margaret rose gold tone trinket vintage jacob co cracker tin vintage oriental duck ornament oriental yellow ginger jar 3 glass candle holders vintage wooden toy truck alice in wonderland hard back book pair minton haddon hall bowls oriental blue white vase large oriental blue white vase hexagonal oriental blue white vase blue white oriental style lamp etched fuchsia glass decanter quality cut glass decanter edinburgh crystal cut glass tumblers edinburgh crystal cut glass rocks glasses m s boxed crystal bowl spear jackson cutlery canteen 12 place setting antique stripped pine cupboard antique pine double cupboard large triple pedestal regency style mahogany dining table large reproduction mahogany dining table set 8 reproduction mahogany dining chairs antique pine bow front chest of drawers antique pine washstand chest of drawers antique pine straight front chest of drawers royal worcester evesham jug sugar bowl royal worcester evesham large flan dish royal worcester evesham serving dish lid royal worcester evesham pair oval serving plates royal worcester evesham square oven dish royal worcester evesham serving dish royal worcester evesham pair canisters royal worcester evesham tureen reproduction walnut writing bureau small reproduction chest of drawers vintage eastern wool rug bank 3 folding oak chairs antique small drop arm sofa antique victorian glazed pine dresser 6 elm country vernacular kitchen chairs mahogany side occasional table eastern brown cream wool rug eastern red afghan beluci rug eastern borsah wool rug continental marble top bedside cabinet pair country style rush seat stools art nouveau high back dining chairs stripped pine kitchen cupboard larder aesthetic movement jardinere stand plant trough modern antique style mahogany wine table fern stencilled side table jarrah burr slice coffee table hammered copper chimney hood antique inlaid mahogany small drop leaf table victorian aesthetic movement chair victorian aesthetic movement chair 1 cast iron fire basket 1 horse shoe rustic cast iron fire basket large antique mahogany plan chest antique gentlemans open arm chair antique eastern wool rug 1 rustic beech storage trunk walnut small chest of drawers antique twin pedestal desk arts crafts occasional chair early 20th century mahogany side table canterbury rustic pine low stool rustic pine chapel stool vintage ebonised music drawers office victorian mahogany games table antique victorian mahogany marble toilet mirror large victorian pine work table pair antique style bedside tables small 17th century style oak side cupboard kenrick jefferson glazed barristers bookcase 1 victorian round mahogany tilt top table antique mahogany tilt top table antique style walnut veneer tilt top table antique oak cast iron school desk small edwardian oak chest of drawers pine side table pair gold large club chairs single plank oak refectory table oak cutlery canteen box antique georgian oak welsh dresser antique oak kitchen dresser set 4 beech cane balloon back chairs antique french giltwood tub chair antique mahogany games table small set bamboo wall shelves liberty style mahogany book trough mag rack painted rustic wall mount shelves vintage black double bed vintage walnut cocktail drinks cabinet vintage oak staples drinks hostess trolley retro teak black leather gimson slater rocking chair retro teak black leather gimson slater armchair antique mahogany drop leaf pembroke table pair art deco armchairs georgian mahogany chest of drawers 4 4 retro danish hovman olsen dining chairs liberty style moorish side chair pair retro teak carver dining chairs hand painted folding privacy screen vintage glazed sectional bookcase antique victorian mahogany tilt top table pair glazed pottery jugs retro wood sons alpine teapot jug sadler piggy bank a wallis mills framed print a weighty question vintage oak book trough tintagel pottery jug perry marsh cornish pot celtic style pottery jug solid brass candle holder studio pottery clown ring of bright water gavin maxwell single brass external sign light antique style floral bird loose cover armchair rustic oak georgian mule chest victorian ash double wardrobe antique carved dark oak cupboard peter hvidt orla m lgaard nielsen retro teak dining table vintage glazed sectional bookcase 1 dowlatabad red afghan rug antique marble top tiled back washstand vintage yellow metal filing cabinet set 4 oak fruit wood country kitchen chairs retro uniflex teak dressing table antique oak georgian chest of drawers satin walnut dressing chest victorian walnut dressing chest antique oak joint stool single edwardian occasional chair 1 traditional style oak fruit wood wall shelves arts crafts oak wall cupboard antique mahogany dining chair antique rosewood dining chair antique mahogany dining chair 1 large victorian walnut wardrobe c h brannam british pot crown derby puffin crown derby duck black victorian vase chinese tea mug pair ridgway setsu oriental style bottle vase plate 3 pieces cranberry glass pair stuart crystal boxed tumblers vintage red glass float pilkingtons royal lancastrian blue vase pair pottery egg cups green brown glazed vase guernsey pottery vase fosters pottery glug jug retro glass dessert set 1 vintage hard carved wooden pepper mill rustic glazed casserole dish vintage copper ladle kitchenalia edwardian upholstered armchair antique victorian nursing chair retro standard lamp large 1960s shade 1 retro leather moorish style leather pouffee footstool vintage upholstered footstool vintage traditional small footstool set 6 mahogany dining chairs antique carved oak bureau single walnut office pedestal cabinet vintage collection glass christmas tree decorations stained pine zinc lined trunk retro peter nelson desk lamp set four cast iron garden chairs vintage beech artist easel estuary scene watercolour flockton foster pair simulated bamboo occasional chairs antique oriental style bamboo side table cadgwith oil on board pair brass poker rests 1 arts crafts style solid oak table hand carved wooden bust 6 vintage epns cake forks carved stone vase villeroy boch four seasons plate vintage celery dish winnie the pooh framed print edwardian oak planter log bin rustic pine chest of drawers antique victorian mahogany chiffonier 1 pair large italian white floor vase antique victorian ebonised green upholstered sofa canape small victorian red upholstered sofa pair vintage metal stacking chairs antique victorian upholstered button back armchair 1 10 antique brass stair rods giltwood french small upholstered sofa canape pair continental painted side tables retro bamboo hanging chair oak arts crafts wardrobe hall robe upholstered vintage footstool st michaels mount framed print italian sorrento trinket box 4 copeland spode floral salad plate vintage scribbons kemp biscuit tin vintage framed nautical embroidery gwendolen dorrien smith coastal scene st michaels mount pair cast iron fire dogs vintage cast iron coat hooks single vintage cast iron coat hooks vintage atomic magazine rack vintage bamboo magazine rack antique carved oak corner wall cupboard vintage wing armchair retro glass top coffee table 3 oak high back dining chairs large victorian pierced brass fire fender large rustic pine kitchen dresser large antique victorian gilt overmantle mirror 1 antique stained pine glazed dresser large gilt rectangualr wall mirror antique upholstered green velvet wing armchair walnut frame open arm chair antique carved six plank chest schwayder brothers samson folding games table small pressed brass plant pot vintage lurpack toast rack dudley burns oil on board vintage robinson crusoe hard back book vintage oak book trough 1 bees wasps ants allied insects edward step 1932 childrens book of patron saints vintage rileys toffee tin vintage green tint vase baba the elephant pair stuffed toys vintage leather bound prayer book 6 willow plates 6 myott son willow bread plates 4 blue white willow bowls 3 blue white willow jugs willow pattern teapot the graphic work of m c escher carved african hard wood head copper plated flower bowl vintage brass table lamp vintage snowy china coffee set vintage micro mosaic bracelet 6 broadhurst english scene cups saucers glass vase bowl stanley bone china tea set vintage floral cups saucers dartington stemmed glass bowl walnut veneered picture frame 4 vintage champagne saucer glasses capo esmaltes decorative dish vintage brass turtle trinket ashtray vintage ebony pot pin dish 3 x imari bowls dish vintage glass measure epns jug vintage white planter vintage observer bird eggs book vintage black tin 1 antique satin walnut wardrobe antique white painted overmantle mirror vintage folding theatre seats antique square brown corduroy sofa aluminium garden table pair of chairs vintage dressing table stool vintage formica kitchen table antique 18th century oak mule chest set 4 regency dining chairs victorian mahogany masonic hall chair vintage frameless wall mirror 3 large viners silver plated tray retro stainless steel trays blue white willow cups pair chinese spoons pair vintage jugs willow gravy jug vintage copper tone crinkle holophane lampshade carved oak greenman bureau vintage vickers armstrong metal office cupboard victorian mahogany chaise longue upholstered button back chaise longue antique georgian mahogany chest on chest reproduction antique style dining table victorian mahogany oval centre table antique victorian mahogany compactum wardrobe antique victorian ebonised occasional chair retro stag cantata teak chest of drawers glass cane dining table chairs glass cane oval coffee table pair glass cane side tables single section retro teak ladderax shelving edwardian side table 2 1920s dark oak sideboard james shoolbred co antique carved oak coffer 2 antique oriental style chinoiserie wall cabinet bamboo wicker waste paper basket antique brass oval mirror pair elm sisal seat occasional chairs wicker basket victorian ebonised oak side table single cane occasional chair 1 antique victorian side table early 20th century ash drop leaf side table set 4 arts crafts heals style oak lattice back dining chairs antique astragal glazed secretaire bookcase pair retro rattan lamp shades pair retro wicker lamp shades vintage capiz shell lamp shade retro capiz shell lamp shade vintage ceiling capiz shell lamp shade retro rattan hanging chair wmf arts crafts brass candlestick carved painted wooden deity framed iranian legends vintage prints pair french cast iron candle sticks 5 vintage champagne coupe glasses 5 cut glass wine glasses vintage string puppet vintage ceramic black glazed pot my birds w h davies practical art anatomy e g lutz retro extending g plan kofod larsen teak dining table pair royal brierley cut glass candle holder victorian walnut bedside cabinet antique georgian tilt top supper table 4 antique victorian oak dining chairs georgian mahogany dining chair karl ens finch karl ens porcelain falcon karl ens porcelain woodpecker karl ens porcelain jay karl ens porcelain wagtails goebel red finch goebel flying finch karl ens porcelain bee eater karl ens porcelain yellow wagtail pair royal albert crystal champagne flutes set 4 quality cut glass port glasses 6 kisslinger wine glasses 6 waterford crystal wine glasses pair cast iron wall candle sconce congkak mancala shell game witch string puppet vintage brass trivet stand british insects how to know them harold bastin rudyard kipling his life work charles carrington pair vintage helston souvenir cup saucer 5 vintage china tea plates large retro green glass vas Pages Frensh Furniture why is antique furniture better for the environment new uses for antique furniture The Retro Appeal of Catherineholm Planning the perfect dining room Selling Antiques-1